My Marriage My heavenly race

What a delightsome moment it give me to share this write up with you today. I will be sharing with you how your Marriage can determine whether or not you will make heaven. 

9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.

11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

The original purpose why God instituted marriage is for completion as He knows  before hand that it is not a good thing for man to be alone and gave him an helper (a woman). Which simply means to help or assist the man. 

It is therefore a tragedy that many marriage are struggling because both couple got married because of some mundane reasons. God saw a problem in the Man and brought a Woman to solve those problem. Homes are in disarray because many got married to who they wanted and not who they needed of which there is a big difference. You many want to take a drug for an headache where by what you need is a moment to rest. In marriage now, you may want someone who will pamper you and rub your head  where as all you need is someone who will rebuke  and correct you. 

People often time ignore History and say "what do I want to do with it?" But the main purpose of History is so that bad event are thoroughly studied so they don't repeat themselves again. It now so bad that the mistakes our fathers and mothers did are the same mistake the younger generation are committing there by getting the same results which is largely very bad and sorrowful. 

Beware Friends, whether you like it or not your marriage partner can determine whether you make it to heaven or not. Bad marriage is hell fire on earth I tell you. Therefore it wise to discard all mundane reasons for choosing a life partner. The few who got it right are those we hear of today. It so painful.  Many instead of getting married to those who can complete them they end up marrying those who are in competition with them. 

It is very unwise to marry those who can do almost all you can do. Let the quite person marry loud person so one can listen to the other and thereby enjoy themselves, with this they will miss themselves. And serve God together in peace and harmony. Please note.

To run the christian race with the wrong partner is not easy. From my counseling session with married people. When the devil want to frustrate a man or a woman he give them the wrong partner and does not disturb himself anymore. Great destines have been amputated because of wrong spouse. I'll be share with you how you can get a correct partner.  Which will be a video on YouTube. Please watch out.

Jesus saves souls and you are precious in his sight. Give your life to Jesus now before it's too late. God bless you.


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