Never Wanting

 Never Wanting

It gives me great joy to write on this amazing topic at this point and season we are.

I was at the market today to buy provisions that I'll be needing in this new week, guess what prices has gone so high, infact I had to buy only what my money could afford and cut my cloth according to my colt. I got home angry at what I had just experience at the provisions store. whilst taking a evening rest a verse from the Bible just came to my heart and I ponder on it which is in the book of Psalms 23:1

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. then I thought within myself if the Lord be my shepherd then I'll never want. As christian who has something doing (as daily or monthly income) and a faithful tithe payer you would agree with me that as difficult as the nation might be Our God has been faithful. This is because God is our source not the nations economy, God is our source not our jobs and not our spouses. that is why we call him "JEHOVAH JIREH”-“THE LORD OUR PROVIDER” GENESIS 22:1-18.

To be in lack and want is never God's plan for us as believer, we are to live in abundant and be a blessing to other. You might say "I don't have a job" or I can't not fend for myself or maybe I'm married and my husband may not allow me to work. Can I encourage you? Listen! Find something doing not matter how little it can be the Lord will bless it. He will never bless an idle hand.

Before I close I like to share a little story with you. this woman just got married and was a full house wife as things began going bad in her home, her husband could not fend for the family any more because he lost his job. she began to beg to feed her home. One day, the met my mum who advice her saying "while not buy groundnut, fry and sell. so she started. she began to support her home while her husband began search for a better job. to the glory of God her husband got a better and we'll paying job. today her own a super market with workers that works with her in a store. Our God is faithful. 

Jesus Christ saves and he can forgive you of all your sin, only if you can repent and ask for His forgiveness. Jesus Loves you, Praise God!


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