Be Intentional about your growth


The growth that produces transformation doesn't just happen in the life of a man by mere wishing or day-dreaming one has to be Intentional about it. Nothing ever moves until there is a responsive action.

Anything that does not grow will stagnate and which always results to decay. Many grow in age or stature but never grow in mind, knowledge, wisdom, and skills. To learn anything you must be intentional about it. For example, if you want to learn a new language or play the piano you have to take classes, go for training from experts, must invest time in practices that have been Intensional.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. Philippians 1:9 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. 1 Timothy 4:15 To grow you must sacrifice your inconveniences, pleasure, comfort, and routine. Please note that your value in life is attached to your growth whether at your skills, talent, or anything you are passionate about. Let us look at some icons in the scripture of those who were intentional about growth.

1. David: was intentional about his growth even when no one was with him, he stayed focused even when no one was there. He kept on training himself until he was publicly advertised when he defeated Goliath. He was intentional about his growth.

2. Joseph: one may want to ask how Joseph was been intentional about his growth but I tell you Joseph was a man who knew where he was going. He have the fear of God, built on his leadership ability, and was very hard work which led to him eventually reaching a great height. I want to encourage you to take time to study the life of Joseph there is a lot to learn.

3. Jesus: at age 12 Our Lord Jesus' love for his Father in Heaven was so intentional that he would rather love to spend time in the synagogue learning the word of God and he did this for 18 years. He was intentional about his growth.

To be Intentional is not just to play and wander around but to work hard with a conscious vision ahead.

Be Intentional about your growth.

Jesus saves souls and he wants to safe your soul too. You are precious in his eyes.


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