Leaders who achieve outstanding results are those who are willing to serve, leaders are servants. They never wait to be served, but rather are adept at looking for a problem and providing a solution to solve that problem. Mastery in any field begins with humility, as it is the sure way to glory. Someone who always waits to be served is someone who will soon become poor as only those entitled to abundance are those who can help. Only those who can serve get paid. 

Throughout His roughly three-year ministry, Jesus frequently demonstrated the extraordinary humility and servant leadership He expected His followers to emulate. One of the more well-known models of sacrificial love He taught is found during His final evening with the disciples when He washes their feet at the Last Supper. The passage is found in John 13.

While foot washing was a common practice before a meal, Jesus’ relationship with the disciples and His divine identity made this simple act a radical display of humility. The disciples, let alone someone with lower status, wouldn’t have thought to wash each other’s feet. Jesus took on the role of a servant to clean the day’s filth from His followers’ feet—even from His betrayer, Judas Iscariot.

Jesus proves that dedicated servants are always dedicated leaders. Serving is leading, and leading is serving, and serving without instructions proves a fellow is responsible. To add more flesh to this blog I would like to share a story I once heard, of a company that wanted to hire and intended to hire just one person into a post, so at the entrance of the building put on a tap of rushing water and it happens that a camera was at the scene where the top executive watched who out of the job applicant would turn off the wasting water. The applicants hurried into the office at 7:30 am; many ignored the rushing water, but a woman who arrived late for the interview saw the rushing water and couldn't ignore it and turned it off without apologizing. Immediately after she performed that simple service, the interview was over, and she got the job with several benefits.

The only way out of poverty is through rendering service, whether in politics, business, religion, family, or society. Those who serve the most get paid the most. The more people you serve the more money you make whether it is rendered for free or not.

The question might run through your mind, what if I have nothing to serve my world with? The truth remains that everyone on earth has one unique thing to contribute to the world. Look for your talents, abilities, or skills that can be used to serve my world, develop them, and you'll see how well your life impacts others. It could be in the area of music, talking, dancing, painting, sewing or making dresses, writing, analyzing, cooking, etc… all you need to do is develop that area and package it.

With it, you can serve your world.

A vision that is outstanding must be geared toward serving others. Do not stay idle, and regardless of whether you are directly paid or not you will be rewarded. YOU ARE BORN TO SERVE.

Thanks for reading. It is another opportunity to surrender your life to Jesus. He will turn your life around and make you a walking wonder to your generation. God bless you.


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