It gives me great joy and a privilege to write this blog today, God you as you read to the end. 

In the school of destiny, no man ever arrives, it is a journey. As only the living can be attributed as progressive only dead things can be attributed to has to stagnate ie. Nothing flows in and out of him. That is why, there is a sea the geographer calls the dead sea meaning it flows nowhere. 

However, it is important to know that our destinies are different and so is our timing. Somebody may have the privilege to finish secondary school at a very younger age, go to the university, and as well as proceed to a master's degree all at a very young age but never got a job until after 10 years of graduation. While the other person struggles through secondary and spends years at home waiting for admission to the university and will not graduate until years have gone he landed his first job as soon as he graduated. 

Our timing in life is not the same, therefore it is unwise to compare yourself with anyone. If you trust God for a special miracle or a breakthrough in life be it in marriage, the fruit of the womb, finance, promotion, and so on and people ask you while your life is not advancing as it ought just to tell them "I'm a work in progress". The period of waiting is a great speed which may not be obvious to you and everyone around you. God might be using that waiting time to teach you good character, patience, good virtues, honesty, teaching you to trust Him and nobody else, teaching you faith and so many lessons. It is not a time to start jumping around and wasting time. 

I was privileged to finish my Bachelor's degree at age 19, but still had a great share of waiting, anytime I was at my family house I was under great pressure to do something I remember having to learn more than 10 skills which I never concluded each time I would speak few months at the place of work I may begin to hear a strange voice speaking on the inside of me to go home and study the bible. This happened for years until I stop everything and when to God in tears for his help and direction for my life then and there he gave me my mandate for existence. 

I remember the last place I was an apprentice learning furniture making. One day my boss said without thinking "You will just die for nothing if you keep disobeying God" Then my senses came to me. Then and there I left to respond to my assignment. Waiting is progress in disguise. God uses such a period to shape us and give our lives good meaning.

Great men are men who understand timing and seasons. Progress is never measured by how fat you look or your material possession, if it was then a thief who has stolen some money will claim that he is making progress. Or a prostitute who sleeps with a rich man and he gave her cars and property may claim that she has progressed in life. Don't be foolish, whatever a man sow surely, he shall reap it. Do not deceive. 

I will like to conclude with the scripture, 

I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift and the battle is not to the strong, and neither is bread to the wise nor riches to those of intelligence and understanding nor favor to men of ability, but time and chance overtake them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11

Jesus saves and you are the next in line to enjoy the great benefit in been saved. 

Confess the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart and you will be saved. 


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