Scarcity of Money: WAY OUT NOW!


It gives me great joy to make my way to your heart today through this blog. I appreciate your time as you read through.

And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung for five pieces of silver  2 Kings 6:25

Money as we know is used as medium of exchange, we use it to buy and sell. It is very important for us all the clergy, engineer, driver, teacher and all profession we need it to survive. It determine wether yoi will be happy, healthy, depressed, or even sad, that is to say it is a very good thing. And we all need to labour one way or the other to earn it.

As we speak, the people of our country Nigeria are currently facing the scarcity of cash which has made many frustrated and unhappy. Transfers from bank accout, ussd, or moblie wallet is now the order of the day and still not effective, it is so disappointing as not all Nigerians have accout number as a result they cant accept cash. You have money but you can not buy and sell goods and services. I see this as famine in the Land not God made famine but Man made famine which have left many in pain and lost of lives. 

Famine is trerible and no generation will ever pray for it. Looking at the opening bible verse there was a great famine in the Land so bad that women ate their children, so unimaginable and tragegic. Famine may not only be food but in health, economy, family, no child, no job, and also financially. it could come in any form but in this write up we will be focusing on Money, the lack of it has give lead untimely death, sickness, conflict and so on. 

Thus, many  have killed, betrayed, and blackmail other because of it. God help us! Money is good can make life so easy but the love of it is the root of all kind of evil. The purpose of the article is to show us children of God the way out from this mess.

Untill you see God as your source and that you are an heavenly citizen (Philippian 3:20)you be traped by this current menace. Naira is not what we put our faith on but rather the Word of God.

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

My Father and Mentor Bishop Oyedepo once said "not everyone is struggling". Similarly, during the covid 19, I paid my twin sister a visit and ask question of how she was fairing and she said " God takes care of His own everywhere in the world" This is the truth! We are children of the Most High God and as such he will meet is at the point of our need.However, if you have not given your life to Jesus you can not enjoy this benefit.

Jesus love you and seeks to be your Friend, surrender to him and you will be amazed of how far he can help you. Hallelujah! 


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