Story telling: Changing life

Taiye Ajayi Ministries aka Saved safe Ministries. By the help of God and the inspiration of the Holy spirit we have been led to impact life by telling stories of less privilege, rich, educated, illiterate, sick and people of all categories of life like the children, teenagers, adult, youth, widows, widowers and the elderly with the aim of impacting life positively. Hallelujah!

The purpose of this new development is to tell this stroy render help, spiritually, financially, morally, counsel and any other support. The travail for souls prayer done on Wednesday from the hour of 7:30pm to 8:00pm done on telegram shall be used to pray for these individuals and shall be specially for them all. We shall use our YouTube, Instagram page to show the videos on Saturday before 10:00pm. And use the telegram and WhatsApp to share the links, tell the story on for all to read and be carried all along.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever Amen!


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