The foolishness of God


Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1 Corinthians 1:25

The best of men will still be imperfect, and the foolishness of God still supersedes that of any man. The Bible makes us understand that His ways are far higher than that of man and as far as the heaven is from the earth so He is thought. It is like trying to compare the mind of a dog with that of a Man which is still with a man and our God.

The Almighty God reigns and rules in the affairs of men, he does as he pleases he brings one down and Raises the other higher. How can you explain a story in the bible with God fighting for the children of Israel facing the wall of Jericho just through praises? Because the foolishness of God is greater than the Wisdom of men, sometimes he gives instructions that might be foolish in the eye of many but in that instruction is the greatest wisdom you can ever imagine. I have read my Bible and I have discovered through the scriptures that God's instructions usually sound foolish. I'll give some examples, Jesus turns water into wine he gave simple instructions, go fill up the vessels with water, and thereafter became wine. The story of the jar of oil that didn't finish until all the vessels were filled. Jesus feed a thousand with just a few pieces of loaves of bread and some fish, Abraham sacrifice his promised child Issac and he obeyed.

This brought me to the conclusion that if we can be foolish enough to obey that instruction of God no matter how foolish it may sound or be we will surely get supernatural and outstanding results. Being obedient to God's word is key to a triumphant Living. Never use your wisdom became what you think in comparison to that which God thinks of you is greater.

Let's go a bit further in this discussion. To look at the word "foolish" means something that doesn't make sense to our human mind, it may also connote an action taken without proper thinking or calculation. We need to conclude that God's instructions don't always align with ours this is because he knows the end from the beginning he is the only wise God. The Holy Spirit in a believer is God in him or her and so his leadings are usually not aligned with the mind. The Bible tells us that the Spirit is always against the flesh.

I'll like to conclude with this story, a church wanted to buy a piece of Land in a particular community but because the community didn't want a church amongst them. The king with his chiefs and elders decided to sell a portion of land filled with rocks. The pastor and his team were so discouraged from acquiring the land. But the pastor prayed and God gave him so-called foolish instructions to buy the land and even more, this caused unrest amongst his team many called him a fool but he obeyed those instructions and bought the Land. After 6 months a foreign company came to purchase the minerals on the land costing millions of dollars. They have the money and also plain Land to build a good structure. Obey the Lord He knows better!

Jesus saves! Surrender your all to Him. Let me change your life.

Thanks for reading God bless you. Kindly leave a comment.


  1. Wow! I really enjoyed reading this piece man of God, and learnt quite a lot through the concluding story.

  2. thank you for reading and your comment


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