Always Give Always Receive Part 1


I want to welcome you once again to my blog where we inspire teenagers, youth and young adults to become the best version of themselves by the help of the Holy Spirit. Most importantly to help you be in track with your walk with God. 

Today, I had a great time in God's presence in Church and I trust you did have a blessed moment in church and if you are reading and you didn't attend service today, worry keep on reading.

Something, became clearer to me as the woman of God preached the word of God about giving and which was that money is not all we can give I want you to stay put as I take you on a journey dealing with other things we can give apart from money. I promise you of you follow this series it will bless you in no small way.

Today, we shall look at Giving your Prayers. Never again should you neglect the power of Giving your prayers to your Friends, Nations, colleague at work, boss, enemies, various Leader and everyone. Jesus Christ our saviour gave Prayers more than he gave money or any material things and also did his disciples. So why then do you think the only thing you can give to people is money. 

When Peter, an apostle was in Prison the people of God prayed for him and he was freed by God's intervention. Jesus offered prayers to that servant that was dear to the centurion Man and the servant was healed. This should mean to us that prayers made in Faith can move every and any mountain. Our Leaders, Pastor, Subordinate, Family and enemies need our prayers. 

Over the years, Some people have placed more value on money than prayers. well this may be through even the bible said Money answers all these things. But you will also agree with me that there are greater and precious things that money has fail to do. That is why I want to use this opportunity to encourage you to pray at all times. Jesus want he was on earth offered Prayers to God. both in private and public.

Prayer proves our sense of humility, meekness and nothingness before God, acknowledging him has our only source. This is why nothing moves God than our prayers when render in Faith and holiness. The scriptures made it clear that the prayers of the righteous man avails much.

Some years back, as a teenager I want planning to get to the High institution for  studies but my challenge was all my results were withheld by the Examination board. I began making findings, and someone told me to go look for money in order to have my results out and successful. I look around  for money everywhere but nothing. I could not tell my parents. As a young boy of 13, I cried to God in prayers with a very little faith and to the Glory of God my results came out the following week and everyone in that exam center had theirs cancelled. 

Prayers offered to God I'm faith will take you Far! Hallelujah! If you are reading this today and you have not received Jesus into your heart as Lord and savior.

Do that Now! 


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