Always Giving Always Receiving Part 2

Hallelujah!!! Trust your day is going well... I sense strongly that God's blessing are yours already. Amen

So yesterday we looked at  Prayers which could be a form of giving. Today we will be looking at giving your skill. 

Skills could be in form of Talent God has endowed you with or something you can do so well. All we have and all our abilities are gifts from God. The bible tells us in the Proverb 18:16 A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. That is to say your gifts has the ability to bring you before great men and they can reward you for it.

Apart from prayers or money your skills can be given to advance the Kingdom of God here on earth. Through giving is a product of the heart. Servicing God with your skills gives you a room in the heart of God. and in return can channel His blessing in your direction. This reminds me of the story of a you boy who just gave his life to the Lord Jesus desired to serve in the house of God because he was from a very poor background. He served had a drummer over the years that he developed his skill in drummer now he is so good that he is now a blessing in the church in return God has blessed him in all things. 

Our God never owes a man anything, when you serve God with all your heart with your skills he takes record and will repay you abundantly. God is always faithful.

When I sat under the ministration of that woman of God; teaching on giving I told myself what can I give to God. If I was rich I would have given him my money, if I had all the time I could I given him my service as a missionary. So I concluded I'll give God my skill. Which is to write christian article in my blog and be a blessing to whosoever reads. There is something you can do so well that can be a blessing in your local assembly. 

Do it! Never mind whether you are been paid for the service or not do it with all your heart. God sees and has the medium he can use to reward you. 

How well have you sharpen your skill? Remember you are servicing God not just a man (for God to man) and you don't want to give God that which is not the best. Keep on sharpening that skill dear... don't not give up! it difficult but don't give up. He will surely cause men to reward you.

What a great opportunity to receive Jesus. Don't delay he is waiting. Today is the best day you can come to him and you will be saved... Amen🙏


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