Jesus in Arin Abule Part 2


Friends, it's such a great privilege to come to your space again.

A good number of people asked of what happened to the with the confrontation with the Imam (Muslim cleric). So I thought of writing this part 2 of Jesus in Arin Abule.

Salvation of soul is one thing the devil really frowns at. Because the bible make us to understand that the Gospel of God is the power of God. We knew very much that the devil was going to raise his ugly head so we had prepared in the the place of prayers and supplication.

Thank God for answers prayers as regards to the weather and how far he had lead us this far, All of a sudden, Evangelist Yomi who happen to be out host and an Evangelist woman whose name I can remember met with the Muslim cleric, were I was I began to pray trusting God for a successful meeting. All of a sudden the Evangelist woman called me to inform me of the development. So I ask of what had happened and why the Muslim cleric was so angry and furious.

However, she explained that he wanted us to off our sound equipment when it's time for their prayers because we will be disturbing their prayers. "This can not happen" I exclaimed. So we began to trust God for wisdom to deal with this. 

Eventually, God helped us we approach the Imam we finally agreed that when it time for their prayers we were going to reduce the volume of our sound equipment which we did. 

The following day, the approached us begging us not to be offended, spoke to us calmly and  and our Evangelical meeting went successful. Soul were won. Light came upon the heart of men. Jesus was glorified.

I'll like to conclude with this, Jesus is the Light of the world. When Light appears darkness disappear and the forces of darkness flee. Let me encourage you brothers and sisters who have the call to reach out to lost souls Jesus is counting on you and I to Go...... The Harvest is indeed much and the Labour are few. Step out today.


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