Jesus in Arin Abule Part 1

 On Thursday and Friday the 20th and 21st of July 2023. It was a great privilege to Labour for souls with other young Evangelist at Arin Abule in Ajuwon, Lagos State, Nigeria. Indeed Our God is a faithful God. 

Arin Abule as at this time is a place where so many youths live have been kept in bondage by demons and wasting away indulging in smoking, internet fraud, and drug as a lifestyle. 

A call came in by a friend of mine who also happens to be an Evangelist to join his team to Labour for souls in this place. I trusted God to attend even though I had no money for transport to the village. By faith I asked the Lord to provide which would be a sign that He wants me to be a part of the great work. To God be the glory funds came in a day before the crusade would be held so I went. Couldn't wait for the day to kick off. 

On Wednesday night when I arrive Evangelist Yomi Family house I was warmly welcome by his family. What a joy that filled my heart; this must be the Joy of the Holy Spirit. That night was a night where all other evangelist friend came to the home of a sister Evangelist Peace where we had a night vigil praying for God's intervention and divine presence. It's July, still a season of rain we prayed for a good weather and provision. 

The crusade kicked off on Thursday evening. Prior, to the evening we had to do a lot of preparation on the site we were using. I Labour with all my heart, strength and with great Joy in my heart knowing fully well that Jesus work is a awesome privilege and must be done with excellent. Other brethren came and worked hard for the harvest of souls.

Not too long Praise and worship went to heaven. Jesus was glorified. the meeting ended well but along the line the devil wanted to raise is ugly head. There was a mosque close by, as the meeting went on. The Iman insisted that we turn off the speakers during their prayers. God took control and gave us victory.

Jesus gives grace to do His will.


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