Your journey and work with God depend on the Holy Spirit's presence in you. A closer walk with the spirit is necessary for those who have been born again to live with the Spirit before ascending to heaven. Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the comforter before ascending to heaven. Our magnificent Lord imparts His righteous nature through the Holy Spirit, who leads us, counsels us, and comforts us. As His bride, He gives us a place of honor, and we are to bring glory and honor to Him. Like all of God’s principles and laws, we cannot walk in love without His supernatural ability. Thank God for the Holy Ghost! 

The Bible tells us that one of the Holy Spirit's divine purposes is to manifest God's love in our hearts. This is so we can demonstrate our love for others. In Romans, Paul tells us how this works: Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith to this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in the hope of God's glory. And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. ROMANS 5:1-5God’s character of love works within us to produce the Holy Spirit's fruit, the divine language of love.

The fruit is God’s expressed love, the effect, and the result of the Holy Spirit's working in us. Some Christians see the Holy Spirit as fruit, but the fruit is the Spirit. In the same way, my children are my fruit and they express my life. The fruit of the Spirit is the essence of the Spirit manifested through us. But you wouldn’t say my children are me, and you wouldn’t say the fruit of the Spirit is the Spirit. Remember, God's love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit also desires that we reflect on all of His nature simultaneously and without classification.

The Christian life is not an exercise in being loving at one hour, joyful the next, and at peace the next. It shows occasional times of patience and self-control, goodness and faith, and being gentle or meek. No! The Holy Spirit desires to reflect our Bridegroom’s total, unending, and unchanging nature through us at all times. Our love for God is fruitful. It is not a static abstract thing inside us. It manifests. It has productivity. It has expression!The Holy Spirit commands us to “reprove” them. The fact that the Holy Spirit used the word “reprove” says a lot. It is the Greek word elengchete. This word gives the body of Christ clear and definite marching orders when it comes to unfruitful works of darkness. Elengchete means to expose, rebuke, discipline, convict, correct, and expel. There is no compromise with darkness's unfruitful works! We are to shine God's light on them and purge them from our lives. Paul proceeds on to say: For it is a shame even to speak of those things done of them in secret. But all things reproved are made manifest by light: for what makes a thing manifest is light. (From the book: Untill you are saved you are not safe)


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