To be saved is to be on the same page with Jesus, but therefore be reminded that the moment you are saved i.e. you have confessed Jesus as your Lord and Savior at that moment the Holy Spirit begins to abide with you in a very small measure and it begins to grow through constant meditation on the word of God and prayers. It is not God's will to be saved and remain small. For the Christian journey to be profitable, glorious, and meaningful you must crave the constant presence of the holy spirit which is the Spirit of God dwelling in us. No raised flyers ignore this fact. To succeed far in life in Ministry, Business, Politics, or any endeavor you need some spiritual force in a way: that is why some unbelievers seeking blessings pursue and seek power from the devil for enrichment which usually ends in destruction and penury. 

But as a believer, the Holy Spirit is at your advantage. When I go out for ministry, I tell Christians and even those of other religions that the only difference between Christianity and other religions is the Holy Spirit. This makes me conclude that Jesus did not come to give us a religion but rather to give us all of himself. This is so that we conform to his image daily. The Holy Spirit makes living a Christian life possible as it is impossible to live a holy life without His help. No wonder he is called the helper of the helpless. In the whole of the bible, there are only two places where the word help was mentioned: two scenarios God saw a need for help and that was after God created the heaven and the earth and everything he created in them and also after he had created man in His image and his likeness: not just that he gave Adam a beautiful garden and what I will call a job and then he saw that it is not good that this man should be alone, I will give unto him a help meet for him and cause him to sleep and take from him a rib and form a woman of him. 

Therefore, every woman helps a man. As no man can reach greater heights without a woman. This is meant that the woman is in this man's life to help him fulfill his mandate for his life. She is also supposed to complete the man in his weak area so they can achieve great heights together. This is the blessing of marriage which is not the purpose of this book. Having spoken about the man and the woman as his helper, let's consider the Holy Spirit as his helper.Jesus, before he left his disciples promised to send a comforter and helper which we can see in the Book of Matthew and we saw the manifestation in the Book of Acts after the Pentecost experience and Peter spoke, and three thousand souls were won into the kingdom of God in just a day with boldness through the help of the Holy Ghost. The early apostles of Jesus enjoyed exploiting the manifestation of God's power through the wonderful help of the holy spirit. Zac Poonen from India, a man of God I highly respect, said the Holy Spirit kept Christianity alive after Jesus' death occurred and they all went back to their various occupations. Peter who led his fellow apostles, returned to fishing for others. Jesus came to Peter and asked to him "Love thou me more than these?" And Peter replied to him "Yes Lord" and Jesus replied to him "Feed my sheep" Jesus knew how weak they could be without the Holy Ghost. The Bible says "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me" I can paraphrase that as a spiritual statement. I can do all things through the Spirit of Christ that strengthens me. Christ's spirit is the holy spirit. When you receive Jesus into your heart, you can be empowered to do remarkable things for God with divine strength. "Not through my strength, but by my spirit," says the Lord, "I will build my church and the gate of hell shall not prevail against it". 

The Holy Spirit is the core of living a glorious life here on earth. He is also known as God's wisdom. He searches God's mind, He brings heaven's realities to the earth, He fine-tunes our heart to that of Christ through the word of God, He helps us at that moment when we are helpless, and He gives us divine rest on every side. (From the book: Until you are saved you are not safe by Evang. Taiye Ajayi) 


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