Waiting and hoping you will stop one day is a mirage. Or thinking when I get married it will be a thing of the past. Read on! 

Today, this article is composed from south west Nigeria Ogun state. It a great privilege to come your way again with this topic that has kept many in bondage that have weakened their Spiritual, Moral, Financial and Physical life. 

Masturbation is an act of exciting ones private organ with the aim to derive pleasure and sexual satisfaction which could be done with the any substance without the opposite sex. 

Sadly speaking, 3 out of 5 persons suffer from this act which, some try to ignore it other try to stop by them selves but still find themselves going back to it. Masturbation is no respecter of age, class, gender, men of God, rich, poor and pagan. 

Is masturbation a sin? if Yes how does it trap Men? 

Many years ago, while in high school On a very hot afternoon. we were closed from school One day. going home with a classmate of mine. He was the one who first shared how he engage himself with soap and water. I was a teenage by then a novice. This conversation I had with my friend plunge me into the satanic act that would not leave untill I became a youth. Was I not praying to God to stop this problem? Yes I did. Did I went back to it? Many times. 

I put on courage to tell a Pastor, since I was told that the power of sin is in his secrecy. So inorder not to continue in this infirmity in secret i shared with this man of God. He prayed with me and counselled me with joy believe it will never happen again. The following week I saw myself in this shameful act. I lost all my spiritual gifting , all the grace I carried as a teenager all disappear. I wept many times for Gid to deliver me it all stoped for few month and came back even stronger. 

Now is Masturbation a sin? I tell you for free it is a great sin and God frowns at it. You lost His presence not just that you lost your self worth, it lead to a hard life here on earth, you lost peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and sadly speaking you may never fulfill your divine and glorious destiny. 

Since Satan can not be every where at every time. He can posses a generation with demons and his agent that end up ruining the life of many. I was with a friend the other day while discoursing he mentioned some thing I can never forget which he said "a nation will continue to experience corruption, lack, hunger, war, political and  economical down side untill the matter of sexual immorality is totally dealt with" which I agree. 

Righteousness the bible says exalt an nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverb 14:34

I have come a conclusion that unless we cry to God for his mercy. Masturbation has the capacity to ruin a life and keep the families in confusion. 

Inorder to keep the article not too long. I'll share with us  How to stop it. On Part 2.


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