Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. Find it a great privilege to write this piece. This will serve as a continuation of our last discussion. 

Anyone who end up any where in Life where cage in an unseen prison by the devil and the act of Masturbation has left many empty and more or less just a dry leaf on the ground. It kept so many anointed servant of God, business men and women and professionals in perpetual limitation because this act will never make you rise and shine in Life. The truth is that it has led many to become failure at there endeavours. 

I have met people who were suppose to be high flyer in Life begin to beg before they can feed. This matter is an urgent matter and deserve attention. I have been there before so read on. 

Today, I will share with you two ways to stop it and never engage in it again. I will draw my point from stories from the bible familiar to you but deep meaning that change my life and can change yours too.

 Sodom and Gomorrah fell into all kind of immorality God hated and eventually God destroyed. These cities openly sinned and committed so many atrocity. It came has a result of Pride, plenty of food to eat and joblessness. In all this, it is clear that they did not have the fear of God. 

The moment pride, gluttony and joblessness in present in any man's life. The devil begins to manipulate his mind and gives him work to do which is this shameful and destiny destroying act.  My point here is simple never let pride set into your life, don't live to eat rather eat to live and lastly get something doing no matter how little it may seem (DON'T BE IDLE). 

The second to stop masturbating is simply to mind what you fill you mind with. Your Five senses are the channel in which information gets to us as human. Guide them. Avoid watching sexually polluted movies, songs, even avoid using  so kind of perfume,  cut off from unprofitable relationships which can endanger your life. 

Because you read to the end I will like to give you a bonus.  RUN TO JESUS. confess your sin to him and be honest to Jesus. because he alone can help you and show you mercy. Just the way he has showed some of us mercy. 

In conclusion, I leave you with this few words. If any man ever told you you have a great destiny, you may encouter great challenges but don't worry so long Jesus is in your boat be rest assured he will sail you through . God bless you

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