It gives me great privilege to write this blog to you today, I’m writing from Akute, Ogun state, Nigeria.

God the creator of all things has given all men one crucial quality that can not be taken from us and that is our ‘Will’, which determines the choice we make in life. The will is part of the makeup of our soul. Every person you see today in the world whether in Africa or Europe is wired and sustained by the choices they make and eventually tells what result we get out of life.

The decisions we make or we do not make, matter a lot, meaning that indecision in itself is a decision without knowing. As time passes by and the older, we get we will make the result that our lives bring whether we end up happy or sad, fulfilled or unfulfilled, great or small.

However, in everything we do, there is always a scale of preference this to say the most important things we do. For some, the most important thing that matters to them is money, children, their prestige in society, their Jobs, some may even be food. This could also be referred to as what we treasure the most. The Bible makes us know that wherever our treasure is there also our heart is, it further explains that if our treasure is on earth our heart will be fixed on the earth and if our treasure is in heaven, we put our heart in heaven.

I once heard of a young successful female banker, who took great pleasure in material possessions more than anything. She has several brands of cars in her garage, she lives in one of the choicest places in the city, beautiful children and good meals. This is the life many want to live. She has no regard for God or even the things of God and she calls every evangelist that witness to her as jobless people. One faithful day, she broke down in her health as a result she sold all she had to regain her health but to no avail. On her dying bed, she wept bitterly because all she had could not save her then she saw the emptiness in material possessions. She died.

What shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul the Bible said.

I have concluded that JESUS CHRIST matters the most. If only you make him your lord and saviour and through His spirit, he will give you the best here on earth and give you HOPE that money cannot buy. Kindly share!


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