Becoming a person of value Part 1
It gives me so much joy again to bring to you contents that will inspire you to achieve great exploit in life. Today, I am writing to you from the City of Akute and I really want to use this opportunity to bring greetings from all our team working tirelessly to bring this nuggets you way. We sincerely appreciate your time and effort to read our articles and if it blesses you in any way kindly leave a comment below and also share the link on your your WhatsApp status and various social media platforms doing this you have partnered with us. Please like us on Facebook, Instagram and X @taiyeajayiministries.
Today, we shall be taking you through the journey of becoming a person of value. Albert Heintien once said it better to become a person of value than try becoming successful. While trying to find a topic that suit this write so many forms to put the topic came to mind, but this was selected. Initially, we told our graphic designer to put it has way to become a person of value but later it came to mind that value is not just created rather it take a self transformative journey to become one i.e it make take time, sometime months or years. No matter your age or status now, you too can become a person of value.
Let get on, what is value? In a layman understanding, it means something that is useful that can be exchanged for money which could be the gadget in your hand, the landed property you own, or the car you drive. Value is not just limited to things it could be a person such as you wife, friends, children or favorites musician, it could be a foreign country like so many people who want to go overseas. it could be a book or course of study. So anything useful are valuable. So anywhere you see value you always see money. That is to say, the more a person becomes valuable the more he is attracted to money. Please pay attention closely as you read through.
Most successful people in life are not those who inherited properties or riches from their fathers or go for quick money like Internet fraud but people who have built themselves valuable over time. Value keeps the cash flow. That is why as a woman never marry a man because he has money but because he has value.
The number one way to become valuable is to constantly add value to yourself on a daily basis. Research as shown that if you want to be an expert in any subject be it in language, leadership, video editing, or any skill whatsoever spend one hour everyday on that subject for five years. Just one hour! I will share a personal experiences. As a speaker and preacher I want to relate more with my audience and one I discover is that I want to be able to speak their language so I made it a goal to spend one hour everyday learning French, English, Arabic (recently), and later Hausa. Now, I done that for French for 7 years now and I can speak and write in French fluently just watching videos on YouTube. By the next three years I will become so good one hour of my time becomes expensive. Please note, I'm not say spending 10 hours reading language every day, just one hour. Adding value to yourself means you must set a goal and set a daily system around that to achieve it.
Another path you can take to become a person of value is by adding value to others on a consistent basis. What do I mean by this? It means looking for ways everyday to be useful to others i.e been generous to others not just money. Now, if you do understand the first you may not understand this point. The more valuable you are to others the more influence you have over them and the more influence you have over them the more you can lead well. When you are perceive as a leader then you can impact their lives positively and thereby attract wealth to yourself. What point am I making here you can't give what you don't have.
When your value is common and easily gotten you may not be rewarded. Also, if you have not mastered your skill very well also you may also not be rewarded richly. I am the CEO Iszy Homes and from my years of managing the organization I discover that because my value can be given by just any how persons I was not making lot of money. So there was a need to increase my communication skill, negotiation skills, organizational skill, prestations skill and leadership skills before I started going to the bank more offen. So your value need to be sharpened and given with excellent to get a reward from men. How do I mean by this, if you give me a glass of water all you get is my "thank you", but if you present to me a bottle water I may want to ask you how much? which I think is about N200 now. Value well packaged with excellent always attract money.
I will continue this in the next series, stay tuned! Jesus is the most valuable asset that a man can have. Receive him today and your life will begin to have meaning!
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