Consequence of the Fall of man part 2
It brings me great joy to write to you on a daily, weekly and monthly bases. As this may help you grow and mature in every area of life's endeavors. Today, I write again from the City of Akute, in Ifo local government in Ogun state. The entrance of the word of God gives light the Bible says, light which also means illumination that is to say when the meditate (well digested) word of God enters your heart (inner man) it can produce light and the light can take away darkness from your heart which in turn brings clear and distinctive direction in your life. At this point when the word of God enter your heart consistently you life can be a light to your generation.
2Pe 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
The above scripture clearly teaches us that we can be share of the God's divine nature by the word of God, hallelujah!
Today, we shall continue to look a bit forward on the Consequence of the Fall of Man. One of the greatest outcome of the fall of man is the lost of the Divine Presence of God. In the time before time, when the world was bathed in the light of divine presence, humanity lived in perfect harmony with the Creator. This divine presence was a constant, warm embrace, guiding every thought, every action. In this idyllic state, there was no sorrow, no pain—only a profound peace and joy that permeated all of existence.
But within this paradise, a seed of discontent was sown. Whispers of forbidden knowledge reached the ears of humanity, promising wisdom and power beyond their wildest dreams. Temptation took root, and with trembling hands, they grasped the fruit of the forbidden tree. In that moment of transgression, a shadow fell over the world.
The divine presence, which had been as close as their own breath, began to fade. The once brilliant light dimmed, and a cold, aching void took its place. Humanity, now aware of their nakedness and frailty, felt the sting of shame and regret. The ground, once fertile and yielding, became hard and unyielding, and labor turned from joyous creation to weary toil.
In this new reality, humanity sought to fill the void left by the lost presence of God. They built great cities, created art, and sought knowledge, but nothing could quite fill the emptiness. Wars broke out as people fought over resources, desperate to secure their survival in a world now marked by scarcity and suffering.
Generations passed, and the memory of the divine presence became a distant echo, a tale told by elders around the fire. But deep within, humanity still yearned for the lost embrace of their Creator. They constructed temples and offered sacrifices, hoping to bridge the chasm between the divine and the mortal.
One day, a child was born who seemed different. In her eyes was a spark of the old light, and her touch brought comfort to those in pain. She wandered the land, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and speaking of a love that transcended all understanding. Many followed her, finding hope in her words and deeds.
As she grew, she spoke of a promise—that the divine presence had never truly left, but was waiting for humanity to turn back with open hearts. She taught that in acts of kindness, in moments of true connection, the presence of God could be felt once more.
Her message spread, and slowly, the world began to change. People started to see the divine in the mundane, the sacred in the ordinary. They learned to love one another as they had been loved in the beginning. Though the full glory of the divine presence did not return, its light flickered in every act of compassion, every gesture of grace.
And so, humanity walked a path of redemption, step by step, toward the divine presence they had once lost, finding in each other the faint echoes of the paradise they had once known.
Jesus in a man's life is all there is to the divine presence of God... Come to him today and your life can take a trunk around. Hallelujah!!!
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