How to know my Purpose in Life. Part 1
It a beautiful evening here in the City of Akute where I am currently writing from. Today, it going to be a great privilege to share few points on how to know your purpose in life. I want to you to know that I do this writing on different topics such as Leadership, how to lead a more successful life and Spiritual growth because I truly value you my readers and it will bring a great joy into my heart if you can copy the link and share to others and as well as comment below.
In the journey of my life so far I have always been hungry for success. As a young teenager I got exposed early to some American authors who wrote books like Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad and so on. I never liked school so much because I believe in building businesses at a very young age even though I don't even know how. If you have read some of my previous write-up you would have read that I learnt over 20 hand crafted work after university became more confused than I ever was.
In the search for knowing or finding my trur purpose of existence or meaning in life I had been on a lonely road. I saw great people and rich folks and truly admire them and wish I could be like them someday. This made me begin to ask questions and I very sure from my conversation with people of different age bracket are the same questions everyone is asking. Questions like Who am I? Why am I on earth? Where am I going to? How will I get to my desire destination? What do I want from life? all of these questions made me sick.
I am 30 years old now, and as I grow older my purpose became clearer to me through mentorship by great leaders who I have consumed their books and audiobooks and tape, YouTube videos and so on. Primary these men and women pointed to me first that I can't get my purpose in life outside God. So I started praying for directions and I heard the Holy Spirit said to me "Son, I have called you to Speak, Write and Counsel", I didn't understand because i didn't know my "what" and it took me 5 years to know what exactly I am called to do and i have be committed to it for the past 2 years now. and which to help and communicate to the next generation how they can reach their full potential in life through inspiring them through my write up (books), Speaking (academy and seminars), and Counsel (training and mentorship).
I will love to share quickly one key points that helped me discover this. which was greatly thought by my mentor in Leadership John Maxwell which is GENEROSITY. One of the best way he said to knowing your purpose in life is to practice generosity. I know the first thing that come to our minds is money. Hmmm... yes but there is more to it than having a fat bank account. It about the desire and the willingness to look for ways to add value to people on a consistent basis. Sometimes, as little as open the door for someone else and saying have a nice day at the shopping mall in the morning or cooking someone else favorite meal or encouraging someone else and if you have money paying for someone meal maybe an older person. When you practice this everyday I can assure you, your purpose will be onvailed to you gradually. Practice generosity and kindness towards other and you can be sure to be happy. God bless
Jesus still saves without him you can't find purpose in life. surrender to him today God bless you.
I'll leave you with the quote... "Try not to be a successful person but a person of value"
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