Overcoming sexually impure thought Part 3
Good day, Trust this blog had helped you, if yes please let us know through our comments sessions below, also follow us on all our various social media platforms @taiyeajayiministries. Become our partner today by sharing the blog on your various social media platforms through our links and also commenting below. We truly love and celebrate you from our heart, indeed you are special and you matter. We bring this article from the City of Akute our home of little beginnings.
we have been looking at the subject Overcoming sexually impure thought, in our previous articles we made mention of it been a matter of the heart, getting busy, prayers and meditation on the word we shall press toward the concluding face today, if you have any need of further counseling I will drop my personal contact after this blog to answer you calls and book a counseling and prayer session with you.
If you had followed this series from the very start I made mention of Friends that I keep. A popular saying goes like "this show me you friends and I can tell you who you truly are" also "birds of same feathers flock together". The friends you keep is the door way through which you can get positively or negatively influenced. We all are influenced one way or the other whether we like it our not. Research has shown us that 80% of what we learn we learn virtually i.e through our eye what we eye. That is why when a grown up man beats up his wife he must have watch is Dad, Uncle or Guardian beat his wife.
To overcome sexually impure thoughts you must start to get along with right set of people. For me in a bid to overcome this immoral thoughts I didn't what I call "Friend switch" I literally cut off from friend that made me drink alcohol, smoke, watch pornographic film and waste my time. I stood alone by my own self as I trusted God for new friends and as God will have they began to come my way.
God brought evangelist my way, they sharpened me in the word of God and the things of God, we hold vigil together and go out on schools, villages and streets outreach together and now by the grace of God I am am Evangelist. Winning lost souls back to God with the vision of winning 3 billion souls to Christ in the next 50 years. Hallelujah!!!
Here is my personal contact as I promised +2347053368723 call me anytime I answer and if I don't I will return the call back. If you are led to join our team all feel free to call. We are going to be reaching out to Nations. Also, if you have any question kindly email us @taiyeajayiministries@gmail.com we have our online representative that will give you swift response..
Jesus still saves till tomorrow come to him before it is too late. one minute from now might be too late.
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